Domain name is very beneficial when you engage in internet marketing; opening a website through free web hosting is not. In fact, if you’re going to view it in chain relationship. The free web host provider will be the first to benefit with you benefiting the last. Not all ‘free’ services can be beneficial. Here are few reasons why owning a domain is important:
1 – Professional
Owning a domain name will give your business site a professional appearance and sound, which greatly matters in business.
2 – Credibility
Personal domains also help build credibility. When it comes to internet marketing, product credibility is the most important factor to get an online customer’s trust. Without it, business won’t prosper.
3 – SEO Errors
Many prominent search engines also now refuse to spider web sites hosted by free hosting sites. SEO responds to spider sites by sending an error message whenever an online user tries to open the site through their search engine.
4 – SEO Ranking
No SEO techniques can also be effectively used to help increase the ranking of your free hosted domain. You won’t even get your site listed in major directories like Google and Yahoo.
Now that you know the importance of domain, the next part is on how to acquire a domain name. There are actually two ways, you either register your own or buy an existing domain. Should you choose the latter, then these tips on how to buy a domain should be helpful:
Ask yourself the following questions:
- How much are you willing to spend?
- How good is the site’s traffic?
- What was the domain’s previous engagement?
- The domain name you’ll choose should be simple and easy to memorize. If a person frequently mistypes the name, then it’s not a good name to invest on.
- Simple, Short and Reflective
- Reflective refers to your business. The domain you’ll choose to buy should be reflective or related to your business as close as possible.
Many sites offer domain name, but for a reliable and affordable domain registration service – is the perfect destination to visit. For more information you can visit the site through
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